Christoffer U. Pedersen



Behaviour Design | User-Research | Product Design


SWEEP empowers and supports people in developing compounding habits, that helps them fall asleep and wake up gently in the optimal phase of their sleep patterns and provides them with the tools to analyze their behaviours effect on their sleep quality.

About the project


Non-Ideal sleep behaviour leads to long term biological damage and diseases, costing countries up to 2% of their GDP

Team & Duration

Bachelor thesis
7.5 weeks

Project Role

Individual Project


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Sleep Behaviour Research

“Sleep is something that have to be learned & taught.” 

“I usually have a set of habits before bed time. As well as when I wake up, it helps me fall asleep and wake up. Just as it does with small children.” 

“I have onset insomnia, and I have no idea about what is right and wrong to do, and is being told something different at every specialist. So I use sleep medicines instead, because they are guaranteed to work.”

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25 different people were interviewed throughout the project about their sleeping patterns, preferred sleeping position, morning & evening habits, phone usage, etc. to figure out if the qualitative data was consistent with the quantitative data from the thesis about behaviour change and sleep rhythms.


Ideal & Undesirable Sleep Behaviours

This shows a list of compoundings habitual behaviours that either improve or lowers the sleep quality. Very few of us do all of the behaviours on either side on a daily basis. This is not a ruleset, but a simple guideline to help individuals develop some of the tiny habits that can improve their sleep on sustained basis.

Sleep patterns-26.png


This showcases simple wireframes, allowing the users to figure out which habits or behaviours that has a negative or positive impact on their sleep.

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iPhone 8 - 3.png
iPhone 8 - 4.png
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Learning Outcome

The power of habits and its compounding effect on our lives, how it trickles on and enriches the individuals vicinity. The importance of asking for help from experts and working collaboratively, binding their knowledge together into one collaborative element.